Dec 28, 2006

Open Window

I traveled there one summer, a time when I was still ......

16" x 12", acrylic on plywood, 2006

Dec 26, 2006

Wake-up Call

Many years later, when I happened to be cleaning out the basement in preparation for a long overdue move .......

Acrylic on paper, 30" x 22", 2006

Dec 19, 2006

After he left #3

After it was all said and done, I couldn’t say I blamed him. He had his needs and Lord knows ....

Dec 18, 2006


I read that there is a genetic basis for deceit as well as a strong preference for those with a heightened capability for self-deception. It goes like this: A creature under attack learns to disguise itself with camouflage so as to remain undetected by the enemy. The enemy, in need of its prey, becomes ever more skillful at perceiving the prey, even when camouflaged. The creature in turn learns that to remain undetected and alive, he cannot betray his presence with even a breath, and slowly becomes invisible even to its self.....

Dec 17, 2006


He said he loved me and gave me some pearls but I didn’t like his fast talk and said no so he went away. Years later I found the pearls and had them appraised only to find out that the diamond clasp was paste and the pearls weren’t even cultured. I put them in a box labeled trash and gave it to Goodwill.....

Dec 13, 2006

Two couples

That same time when I was in Lucerne, staying at that delightful pension by the lake, the one I told you about that was filled with the Japanese music students visiting for the summer music festival, I treated myself to desert at one of the nearby hotel restaurants......

Dec 12, 2006

The Pearls

It took only a minute, no a second, to realize my mistake.....

Excerpt from August 2005 story.

Dec 9, 2006

Blending in

I’ve left him. Yes, that’s right, left him. Left him to his own devices. Let him figure out how the coffee maker works. Lord knows I couldn’t......

Dec 8, 2006

Faux Pas

It was by far the most spectacular faux pas I had ever witnessed and I’ve seen a few, some of my own making, but nothing compared to this.....

Excerpt from text written on Background of Faux Pas. Shown at Concord Art Association 2005 Roddy Competition.

Dec 7, 2006

Lady #29

You cannot know how I long for your return.....

Excerpt from text written on background for Lady #29, 2004

Dec 6, 2006

Lady #20

I’ve left him, she said, huskily into the phone. It wasn’t working anymore, so I left him to his own devices....

Excerpt from text written on background for Lady #20.

Dec 5, 2006

Lady #3

French silk wallpaper. Wall flower. The perfect accessory. Make something out of nothing. A purse out of a sow’s ear. A closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. All dressed up and no place to go. A ticket to nowhere fast. ........

Portion of text written on background.